Appliances, furniture and items do wear out over time and there is a need to discard them. It is perfectly fine to retain one’s belongings even when the items have went past their usable date, but there is a need to know when to discard and when to keep them! One that hoards everything he or she owns and does not want to discard anything is called a hoarder. This article aims to explain to you the signs of a hoarder, as well as how storage rental is a viable solution.
What are the signs of a hoarder?
The first tell-tale sign of a hoarder points to the fact that they refuse to discard anything. They save everything regardless of their condition. Hoarders may want to keep spoilt items such as phones and even empty bottles thinking that they may have a use for the said item in the future. This will lead to a large collection of items which will definitely disrupt his or her family member’s abilities to move and walk around the home. The affected individual may also be seen keeping things that have been discarded by others.
What are the consequences of hoarding?
The consequences of hoarding are aplenty. There may be a safety hazard due to the excess of items in the home or room and family members may not be able to move around the home safely. The family members may also trip and fall over certain items. There will be a build-up of dirt and grime and this is a definite health concern.
How can self-storage help?
Arrangements can be made for the hoarder to place his or her items in a self-storage location. During this shifting of items, the family members can take the opportunity to have a good talk with the hoarder. They can take the time to separate the useless items apart from the items that can be still used. This will definitely help in the improvement of the living conditions of their home. The hoarder can also take their time to slowly remove items he or she does not need from the self-storage unit while the family members enjoy a healthy and clean living environment.