Team Info

Donald Clark

Donald Clark

Founder & Writer (Business & Markets)

Our founder Donald Clark is a financial analyst in his own right, with a predilection to business news reporting. He is a strong leader who strengthens the spine of our organization, and helps each member of the team strive for the utmost success in news delivery websites. His knowledge and ability to lift the organization up makes him the best boss the team could have asked for, and a welcome critic who betters the quality of our content every step of the way!

Geoffrey Burton

Geoffrey Burton

Writer (Economy)

Geoffrey deals with the economy section of our website. He has a degree in journalism. His column is a stark narration of economic facts, market trends, and statistical proof of his findings. He warns investors of oncoming crises and reports what the banking institutions of the nation are up to. His aim is to make his column the go-to for the study of live economic trends in the nation.

Robert Townley

Robert Townley

Writer (Technology)

Technology, gadgets, devices that are new in the market, and the hits and misses of the Silicon Valley are all documented by Robert Townley. He is witty, sharp, and love a new toy to play with before reviewing. If you’re excited about the launch of some product or are searching for the dates of an exciting launch, look at his column to find it!

Richard Bell

Richard Bell

Writer (Healthcare)

When it comes to stories in the healthcare sector which are making ripples, and waves in the global market scenario, Global Market Release relies most on Richard Bell. His eye for detail, and skills when it comes to spotting stories which matter makes him invaluable to the team. His commitment to the healthcare sector proves him to be the best man for the job.