The emergency room is treated by many people as a one-stop-shop for healthcare. This causes unnecessary strain on our medical resources as the true purpose of the emergency department at a hospital is for acute cases or accidents. They have been designed in order to provide patients that need emergency treatment in order to save lives. This does not mean that you should never go to the emergency room, however. You just need to make sure that there is a reason to be going to that specific department in the hospital rather than making a non emergency visit to a department that is better suited for you. Let’s take a look at a few of the signs that you might display if you really do need to go to the emergency room or preferably a 24/7 ER – Trusted Medical Centers.
Signs You Should Go To The ER
Difficulty Breathing
If you are experiencing any kind of wheezing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing this could be a serious sign of respiratory distress.
Open Wounds
Whether it is from cooking or if you have fallen down the stairs if you have an open wound that is too large to cover with a Band-Aid this could be a strong candidate as a reason to go to the ER.
Broken Bones
If you suspect that your self or someone else has broken a bone and have difficulty standing or using an arm for example then it would be wise to go to the ER.
Chest Pains
Common chest pains can include something as simple as heartburn but also more serious and life-threatening conditions. If you suspect that you are just having mild chest pain then you may not need to go. However, if you have a history of heart disease in your family or high blood pressure then you may want to consider going to the ER.
Convulsions of any kind are always a reason to visit the ER right away. Many people experience seizures but they can also come from strokes or other serious forms of trauma that need immediate medical care.
Bleeding of any kind should always be given the media attention in the emergency room. This can include bleeding from coughing, from your stool, from your nose, and any other types of pleadings that you may experience. This is particularly true if you are experiencing profuse bleeding that does not stop.
Before You Go To The ER Preparation Guide
In the event that you do decide to go to the ER make sure that you have a plan for how to handle the situation. It would be wise to keep a collection of things that you would need for an overnight stay at the hospital. This can include an extra set of clothes as well as any medical records that are necessary. Make sure to include copies of medications so that you can give these to the hospital staff as soon as you arrive. You should also make sure to know exactly which hospital has the closest emergency room to you. You may also want to check and see if it accepts your insurance. This way you will be ready as soon as the situation arises to make an emergency trip. This can save a serious amount of stress so that you can make sure to get there safely and receive the help and attention that you or your family members need in order to make sure that they stay healthy.