A relatively new concept that has emerged in recent years in the recruitment market is head hunting. It involves recruiting a specific person. It is important to know that the procedure is not only limited to management positions, but also to entry-level positions. Therefore, the company manager may ask to hire a specific person for an open position.
So there are some clear differences between headhunting and the recruitment process that every recruiter should be aware of.
What are the differences between headhunting and recruitment?
Although the purpose of the two methods is the same, the difference consists in the efficiency provided. As opposed to traditional recruitment, headhunting is much more effective even in the long term.
According to statistics, head hunting is more effective in both the short and long term, ensuring that companies make progress in terms of competitiveness and market development. In addition, if there is a management position available, the head hunting method will try to find one of the best professionals in the field.
What advantages headhunting offers?
- Delivers long-term results – for a company, headhunting will help to achieve results quickly, precisely because of the skills of the person hired.
- The company quickly differentiates itself from the competition – The right team will help the company achieve a positive image in its field. The organization will quickly become a benchmark of professionalism and performance. Costs related to promotional strategies will be minimized.
- The company enjoys opportunities for market development.
One of the areas that is constantly growing is IT, where talented people are always needed. Companies working in this industry can get the best candidates through the support of an IT recruitment agency. A recruitment agency uses many strategies and methods to attract top talent.
No matter which method is chosen, each company must first identify its needs and then decide on the best option. Most IT organizations outsource recruitment services because of the advantages they offer in selecting the best candidates.
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